
ASW 19


Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub / Dec-1997 / ISBN 0-553-09542-0
From Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn, whose unprecedented bestselling trilogy continued the saga of George Lucas' blockbuster films and became a landmark in the history of science fiction publishing, comes Specter of the Past, the first in the epic two-volume series The Hand of Thrawn. Now Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo must battle to safeguard the fledgling New Republic from a dead Imperial warlord --- and from itself.
Once the unquestioned master of countless solar systems, the Empire is tottering on the brink of total collapse. Once commanding an invincible armada of Star Destroyers, its fleet has been reduced to a skeleton force. Day by day, neutral systems are rushing to join the New Republic coalition. But with the end of the war in sight, the New Republic has fallen victim to its own success. An unwieldy alliance of races and traditions, the confederation now finds itself riven by age-old animosities.
Princess Leia struggles against all odds to hold the New Republic together. But she has powerful enemies. An ambitious Moff Disra leads a conspiracy to divide the uneasy coalition with an ingenious plot to blame the Bothans for a heinous crime that could lead to genocide and civil war. At the same time, Luke Skywalker, along with Lando Calrissian and Talon Karrde, pursues a mysterious group of pirate ships whose crews consist of clones. And then comes the most startling news of all: Grand Admiral Thrawn --- believed to be dead for ten years --- is reported alive. The most cunning and ruthless warlord in Imperial history has seemingly returned to lead the Empire to triumph.
As Hand and Leia try to prevent the unraveling of the New Republic in the face of this fearful and inexplicable threat from the past, Luke sets out to track down the rogue pirate ships. To do so, he will team up with Mara Jade, with whom he will share his growing mastery of the Force and the ever-present threat of the dark side. All the while, lurking in the shadows is the enigmatic Major Tierce, a disciple of Emperor Palpatine, sharing his long-dead master's lust for power, schooled in the devious stratagems of Thrawn himself, and armed with his own dark plans for the New Republic and the Empire.


Bantam Books / Sep-1998 / ISBN 0-553-29804-6
Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn makes his triumphant return to the Star Wars universe n this first of on epic new two-volume series in which the New Republic must face its most dangerous enemy yet --- a dead imperial world. "SPECTER OF THE PAST"
The Empire stands at the brink of total collapse. But they have saved their most heinous plan for last. First a plot is hatched that could destroy the New Republic in a bloodbath of genocide and civil war. Then comes the shocking news that Grand Admiral Thrawn --– the most cunning and ruthless warlord in history --– has apparently returned from the dead to lead the empire to a long prophesized victory. Facing incredible odds, Han and Leia begin a desperate race against time to prevent the New Republic from unraveling in the face of two inexplicable threats --– one from within and one from without. Meanwhile, Luke teams up with Mara Jade, using the force to track down a mysterious pirate ship with a crew of clones. Yet, perhaps the most dangerous of all are those who lurk in the shadows, orchestrating a dark plan that will turn the New Republic and the Empire into their playthings.


Bantam Books / Sep-1998 / ISBN 0-553-50417-7
Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn makes his triumphant return to the Star Wars universe in this first of an epic two-volume series in which the New Republic must face its most dangerous enemy yet - a dead Imperial warlord. "SPECTER OF THE PAST"
The Empire stands at the brink of total collapse. But they have saved their most heinous plan for last. First a plot is hatched that could destroy the New Republic in a bloodbath of genocide and civil war. Then comes the shocking news that Grand Admiral Thrawn - the most cunning and ruthless warlord in history - has apparently returned from the dead to lead the Empire to a long-prophesied victory. Facing incredible odds, Han and Leia begin a desperate race against time to prevent the New Republic from unraveling in the face of two inexplicable threats - one from within and one from without. Meanwhile, Luke teams up with Mara Jade, using the Force to track down a mysterious pirate ship with a crew of clones. Yet perhaps most dangerous of all are those who lurk in the shadows, orchestrating a dark plan that will turn the New Republic and the Empire into their playthings.

過去の亡霊 (上)

TIMOTHY ZAHN 著 / 富永 和子 訳 / 文庫版
ソニー・マガジンズ刊 / 1999.10.20 / ISBN 4-7897-1469-1 / \640
〈エンドアの戦い〉から15年、今やほぼ壊滅状態にある帝国の残党は、ふたつのに割れていた。 屈辱に耐え、降伏して反撃の機会をうかがうか、内紛の絶えない新共和国の自滅を待つか。 折しも、かつて新共和国に多大な脅威を与えたスローン大提督が復活した。 死んだはずのスローンが、今なぜ……? 多くの謎をはらみつつも、帝国軍は覇権奪回に向けてにわかに活気づいた。 銀河を揺るがす新たな戦いを描くスター・ウォーズ小説最新作。

過去の亡霊 (下)

TIMOTHY ZAHN 著 / 富永 和子 訳 / 文庫版
ソニー・マガジンズ刊 / 1999.10.20 / ISBN 4-7897-1470-5 / \640
発掘された1枚のデータファイルが、内紛に揺れる新共和国に新たな波紋を投じた。 皇帝による大虐殺事件にボサンが関与した事実が記されていたのだ。 ルークは瞑想で不吉な未来を予見する。 不穏な空気は、暴動へと発展し、レイアとハン・ソロがその渦中に巻き込まれ、混迷の新共和国に追い討ちをかけるように、スローン復活の報が入る。 錯綜する情報、肚(はら)の探りあい、暴走する正義……見えない糸に操られる銀河に平和が訪れる日は来るのか?




Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub / Sep-1998 / ISBN 0-553-10035-1
Vision of the Future is the second book in the epic two-volume series The Hand of Thrawn from Timothy Zahn, the bestselling, Hugo award-winning author of the original landmark trilogy based on George Lucas's legendary Star Wars films. Now the story begun in Specter of the Past comes to an explosive conclusion as Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo are thrust into the muddle of an impending civil war --- and discover the shocking truth behind the rumored resurrection of the dead Admiral Thrawn.
For a beleaguered Empire, desperate times call for desperate measures. Sowing discord among the fragile coalition of the New Republic, remnants of the once powerful Empire make one last play for victory. Having implicated the Bothans in the genocide of the Caamas, they now plan an attack on Han and Leia that is also blamed on the Bothans. If they are successful, the New Republic will be torn asunder. To prevent inevitable disaster, Luke, Leia, Han, and their friends must prove the Bothans innocent and reveal the Empire's treachery. But time is running out.
The cunning Major Tierce has joined with the ambitious Moff Disra in the Empire's master plan. At its heart lies the most elaborate con of all: the rumor that the legendary Grand Admiral Thrawn, long believed dead, has returned to lead the Empire to a prophesied triumph. The news of Thrawn's return is already rallying Imperial forces against the New Republic.
As Leia travels to a secret rendezvous with an Imperial commander who claims to want peace, Han and Lando Calrissian journey into enemy territory to learn the truth of Caamas's destruction. Meanwhile, Luke and Mara Jade infiltrate a hidden fortress where Thrawn's most fanatical followers await his call to arms. And Talon Karrde returns to his underworld past and a brutal crime lord whose knowledge may save the Republic. But it the truth about Thrawn that is most important. In his hands -- alive or dead -- rests the fate of the New Republic.


Bantam Books / Aug-1999 / ISBN 0-553-57879-0
Hugo Award-winning author Timothy Zahn brings his epic two-volume series The Hand of Thrawn to an explosive conclusion with a discovery that rocks the New Republic to its foundation --- and threatens to resurrect the Empire. "VISION OF THE FUTURE"
The Empire's master plan is under way. The New Republic is on the verge of civil war and the dead is rallying the Imperial forces. Now Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and their allies face the challenge of their lives. They must infiltrate a hidden fortress filled with Imperial fanatics, rendezvous with a double-dealing Imperial commander, and Journey into enemy territory to learn the identify of those responsible for an act of unthinkable genocide. But most important of all is the truth about Thrawn. In his hands --- alive or dead --- rests the fate of the New Republic.


Bantam Books / Oct-1999 / ISBN 0-553-50690-0
Vision of the Future is the second book in the epic two-volume series The Hand of Thrawn from Timothy Zahn, the bestselling, Hugo Award-winning author of the original landmark trilogy based on George Lucas's legendary Star Wars films. Now the story begun in Specter of the Past comes to an explosive conclusion as Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo are thrust into the middle of an impending civil war--and discover the shocking truth behind the rumored resurrection of the dead Admiral Thrawn.
For a beleaguered Empire, desperate times call for desperate measures. Sowing discord among the fragile coalition of the New Republic, remnants of the once powerful Empire make one last play for victory. Having implicated the Bothans in an act of genocide, they now plan an attack on Han and Leia that is also to be blamed on the Bothans. If they are successful, the New Republic will be torn asunder. To prevent inevitable disaster, Luke, Leia, Han, and their friends must prove the Bothans innocent and reveal the Empire's treachery. But time is running out.
The cunning Major Tierce has joined with the ambitious Moff Disra in the Empire's master plan. At its heart lies the most elaborate con of all: the rumor that the legendary Grand Admiral Thrawn, long believed dead, has returned to lead the Empire to a prophesied triumph. The news of Thrawn's return is already rallying Empire forces against the New Republic.
As Leia travels to a secret rendezvous with an Imperial commander who claims to want peace, Han and Lando Calrissian journey into enemy territory to learn the truth of Emberlene's destruction. Meanwhile, Luke and Mara Jade infiltrate a hidden fortress where Thrawn's most fanatical followers await his call to arms. And Talon Karrde returns to his underworld past and a brutal crime lord whose knowledge may save the Republic. But it is the truth about Thrawn that is most important. In his hands--alive or dead--rests the fate of the New Republic.
Vision of the Future is the magnificent finale to one of the most suspenseful, action-packed, and thought-provoking Star Wars stories yet. It is a masterful re-creation that captures the magic and adventure of the greatest science fiction saga of all time.

未来への展望 (上)

TIMOTHY ZAHN 著 / 富永 和子 訳 / 文庫版
ソニー・マガジンズ刊 / 1999.11.25 / ISBN 4-7897-1487-X / \790
相次ぐ暴動に新共和国は揺れていた。 一方、伝説の軍神スローン復活の噂は銀河に広まっていた。 それを受け、銀河各地に潜伏していた帝国のクローン兵士も行動を開始した。 いまや銀河の緊張状態は極限に達しようとしていた。 ハン・ソロとランド・カルリジアンは、皇帝の大虐殺事件の真相を記したデータカードを手に入れるべく、隠された帝国の首都を突き止め潜入する。 『スター・ウォーズ 過去の亡霊』で放たれた謎が解明される大長編。

未来への展望 (下)

TIMOTHY ZAHN 著 / 富永 和子 訳 / 文庫版
ソニー・マガジンズ刊 / 1999.11.25 / ISBN 4-7897-1488-8 / \790
謎の文書に残された言葉<スローンの手>とは、デス・スターのような超兵器なのか? 不安が高まるなか、ついに新共和国で内乱が勃発。 レイアたちの悲願である帝国との和平協定締結は水泡に帰すのか。 銀河が混乱に陥っているさなか、辺境の惑星でルークは<スローンの手>と遭遇する。 『ジェダイの復讐』 から15年、これで銀河の平和にむなしく終止符が打たれるのか、あるいはここから新たなサーガが始まるのか? 最新シリーズ完結編。